1. The Let’s Roll: Australian Business Awards (hereafter referred to as “the Awards”) have been created to recognise and reward the significant contributions of small industrial, fabrication, engineering and manufacturing businesses across Australia.
2. The Awards have been put on by the Industrial Solutions division (comprising CBC Australia, BSC Australia, WebsterBSC and Seal Innovations) of MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD ABN 77 007 595 977.
3. By entering The Awards, the Entrant agrees to abide by these Terms and Conditions.
4. The Awards are skill-based – there is no element of chance or luck involved in the selection of winners.
5. The individual Entrant agrees that they have the right and are duly authorised by the respective Entrant organisation to provide and submit all material provided during and after a Submission.
6. The individual Entrant agrees that their Submissions are factual, accurate and truthful.
7. The Entrant agrees to indemnify MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD from any breach of Intellectual Property of a third party.
8. Winners of The Awards will be judged and selected by an Expert Panel. The Expert Panel will base their judging entirely on the contents of the submissions made on the Let’s Roll website www.lets-roll.com.au/awards
9. All submissions will be governed by the Privacy Policy on the MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD website https://motionasiapac.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Website-Privacy.pdfhttps://www.inencogroup.com.au/privacy/.
10. The Expert Panel will select 10 winners of the Silver Prize.
11. The Expert Panel will select 5 winners of the Gold Prize.
12. The General Public will select 1 winner of the People’s Choice Prize.
13. Silver Prize and People’s Choice Prize winners will receive before 30 September 2022:
a. A Prime Creative Media Package:
i. Distribution via Manufacturers Monthly eNewsletter – Valued at $500
ii. Distribution via Manufacturers Monthly Social Media Channels – Valued
at $500
iii. Distribution via Manufacturers Monthly Website – Valued at $1,000
iv. Single page Editorial – production of story – Valued at $1,100
v. Distribution via Manufacturers Monthly – Valued at $4,000
b. An Industrial Solutions Media Package:
i. Let’s Roll article – Valued at $800
ii. Let’s Roll half-page or full-page ads – Valued at $3,000 full-page and
$2,000 half-page
iii. Let’s Roll website article – Valued at $500
iv. Email signature banner space – Valued at $500
v. Social media space (launch posts only) – Valued at $250
14. Gold Prize winners will receive before 30 September 2022:
a. A Prime Creative Media Package:
i. Promotion of their business via Manufacturers Monthly eNewsletter –
Valued at $500
ii. Promotion of their business via Manufacturers Monthly Social Media
Channels – Valued at $500
iii. Promotion of their business via Manufacturers Monthly Website – Valued
at $1,000
iv. Editorial Production of Story– Valued at $1,100
v. ¼ Page Product piece in Manufacturer’s Monthly – Valued at $1,500
vi. Distribution in physical print copies Manufacturers Monthly – Valued at $4,800
b. An Industrial Solutions Media Package:
i. Production of a 2-3 minute video feature – Valued at $15,000
ii. Let’s Roll article – Valued at $800
iii. Let’s Roll half-page or full-page ads – Valued at $3,000 full-page and $2,000 half-page
iv. Let’s Roll website article – Valued at $500
v. Email signature banner space – Valued $500
vi. Engineering services consultation hours up to 20 hours – Valued at $3,000
vii. 10% rebate on product purchased from CBC Australia, BSC Australia, BSC Industrial or WebsterBSC up $50,000 including GST valid until 31 August 2022. Valued at a maximum of $5,000. Rebate will be paid in full, as a credit on the trading account of each Gold winner, in September 2022.
viii. Social media space (launch + dedicated posts) – Valued at $500
ix. Branch TV feature – Valued at $1,000
15. The Awards are open for submissions from 9am 10 May 2021 to 5pm 30 June 2021. Entries received after this date will be declared invalid.
16. In order to qualify Entrants must meet all the following Entry Criteria
a. Entrants must be a business registered with an ABN within Australia
b. Entrants must not have more than 50 permanent full-time employees
c. Entrants must not turn over in excess of $30 million annually
d. Entrants must be in a business in one of these segments
i. Light manufacturing; or
ii. Engineering; or
iii. Fabrication; or
iv. Any other similar industry that meets the requirements of the judging Expert Panel at their sole discretion
17. Entry Criteria will be checked against publicly available information. Any Entrant found to have mislead MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD will have their entry declared void.
18. The allocation of both Silver Prizes and Gold Prizes will be at the sole discretion of MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD. No negotiation or discussion will be entered into with Entrants. MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD decision on this will be final.
19. MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD reserves the right to rescind, vary, amend or cancel any component of either the Silver Prize or the Gold Prize, in total or in part, at its sole discretion without prior notice or without reason at any time either before or after the awarding of either of these prizes. No negotiation or discussion will be entered into to.
20. All Entrants agree the material that they provide to MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD in their Submissions can legally be used in any or all of the following ways
a. Editions of the Let’s Roll magazine series.
b. Editions of the Manufacturer’s Monthly Magazine.
c. Social and digital media including but not limited to:
i. LinkedIn
ii. Instagram
iii. Facebook
iv. Twitter
v. Google
vi. Electronic mail
d. Catalogue and brochures
e. Any other material at the discretion of MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD
21. Entrants agree to permit MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD to use the information that they provide during the course of this Competition for an indefinite time period.
22. Entrants acknowledge that they cannot revoke or rescind the right for MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD to use Entry Submissions either in whole or in part.
23. Entrants acknowledge that they (by way of explicit intent) duly authorised to allow MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD to use their business and individual likeness (in whole or in part) for an indefinite time period.
24. Entrants acknowledge that no recompense (either financial or otherwise) is required to permit MOTION ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD to use their likeness in the above listed way for an indefinite time period.